At Cotham Pharmacy Ear Care Clinic, we specialise in professional ear care services including Ear Wax Removal by Microsuction and Irrigation, as well as Minor Ear Infection treatment. Our clinical pharmacist has extensive knowledge and experience to provide expert advice and safely perform ear wax removal procedures.
Microsuction: A traditional technique that uses a controlled flow of water to flush out excess earwax. is a highly effective and safe procedure for ear wax removal. It uses gentle suction to draw excess wax from your ears. Our specialist uses magnifying loupes to visualize the ear canal, ensuring precise and thorough wax removal. The procedure typically takes about 20 minutes.
Irrigation: A traditional technique that uses a controlled flow of water to flush out excess earwax.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, book an initial consultation at Cotham Pharmacy Ear Care Clinic.